Bake for Ukraine
We are #BakeForUkraine: We share traditional Ukrainian bread recipes
and collect donations to help rebuild Ukrainian bakeries that play
a crucial role in the local food supply chain.
Warehouse of humanitarian aid for children of Ukraine
The track of 20 tons of humanitarian aid for bakeries in Odessa
Warehouse of humanitarian aid for children of Ukraine
Ukrainian Food Supply is in trouble
Allthough ukraine is the largest individual grain supplier in the world it needs help to beak bread and supply the local community with the fundamentals. Espacially in the eastern regions. Imagine going through a suppermarket and everything seems allright but there is no salt. For weeks, everywhere. Then this situation triggers down. No salt means no bread. Slowly the supermarket gets emptier and emptier.
Our team is mostly ukrainans. We have a strong network on the ground and know where help is needed. We also have the ability to bring help in a pragmatic way. Our agility is the most important asset in briding the gap between needs and larger organized help organisations.
1. Our team is mostly ukrainans. We have a strong network on the ground and know where help is needed.
2. Our team is mostly ukrainans. We have a strong network on the ground and know where help is needed.
3. Our team is mostly ukrainans. We have a strong network on the ground and know where help is needed.
Thanks to BFU we can do this and this. We used the materials to do that and this. This is great. Now everybody is fed.
Vasiliy Shevchenko,
owner of ДО’У Bakery ↗
One of our key partners on the ground is the humanitarian center
in Odessa. We bake bread here for them. they also use our ingrediants for other food dishes they provide. Here some
of our bakeries pick up their free supply from us.
Total donations
that we have collected since March 2022
During the ongoing invasion, Bakeries in Ukraine play a crucial role in providing affordable basic food to the local communities.
€47 700
worth of products
€11 390